Understanding the need for Retirement Planning.
Transition planning is the process whereby Business Owners, Professionals and Executives prepare to leave their business or work and plan for a meaningful life in after full time work.
This involves planning all aspects of the transition, and specifically:
It tends to be the case that Business Owners, Professionals and Executives who do not create a Retirement Planning Strategy for their lives after they leave their business or work risk falling into a void, becoming bored, suffering depression, and potentially getting divorced or dying prematurely.
Personal and Business Transition Plans are, therefore, critical aspects of the overall business succession planning process.
By completing such plans, a baby boomer may enjoy the following benefits:
The difficulties for the broader Australian economy – arising from business sales at less than full value (and consequent loss of value) and the health costs associated with ill-prepared retirees – can be significantly reduced with proper transition planning and, critically, implementation of this transition.
Transition Planning Australia’s retirement planning tools, information and guidance will help you make the right decisions for your life after work and for the future of your business. For more information about developing a plan for your next phase and to discuss Succession Planning Strategies, speak with Transition Planning Australia today.
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