
Find out how you can help your clients transition to a happy and healthy life after full-time work or business ownership.

Do you have clients who really should start planning the best way to exit their career or business?

How often do you see clients procrastinate because they don’t know where to start?

Do you find clients underestimate what’s involved in exiting their businesses?

How often do you experience clients derailing the business succession process?

how ready are your clients for Retirement?

Have them take our Free Retirement Readiness Quiz

The Advisor Process

Find out how you can help your clients transition to a happy and healthy life after full-time work or business ownership

Step 1

Talk To A TPC

Step 1

Talk to a TPC and learn why your clients and your business benefit.

Step 2

Decide Your Advisor Level

Step 2

Decide what level of involvement you are comfortable with initially.

Step 3

Complete Your Training

Step 3

Complete the appropriate level of training.

Step 4

Help Your Clients Transition

Step 4

Use the TPA Transition Planning processes with your clients.

Step 5

Go To The Next Advisor Level

Step 5

Go to the next TPA Advisor level if and when you are ready.

How You Can Help Your Clients

Transition Planning Australia has developed a comprehensive package of material to make it as easy as possible for you to introduce your clients to, and get them started on, the business succession process. We offer full training so you can be confident in taking yours clients through the process to the extent you feel comfortable in doing so.

How To Improve Your Business

  • Help clients break-through the roadblocks preventing them exiting their career or business
  • They will more likely proceed and need your assistance
  • Increase revenue for your business, over and above normal recurring income
  • Strengthen your relationships as your clients most trusted Advisor
  • Develop connections with other Advisors

Why do so many People struggle to exit their business Or Career successfully?

Experience tells us that it’s the mental and emotional roadblocks that prevent many business owners from staying on course to exit their business successfully.

It’s common for uncertainties like the following to derail or stop the business succession process:

  • Unresolved emotions and fears;
  • Limited thinking about their future possibilities;
  • Lack of well formed goals to help them transition their business;
  • Lack of a clear, positive vision for their future life in retirement;
  • Lack of a comprehensive action plan for how to achieve their goals; and
  • Lack of professional Advisor support.

Let Our Proven Programs Assist Your Clients

Our proven programs step your clients through all the processes necessary to resolve these issues.

It’s all important for business owners to be mentally and emotionally ready before they can think clearly about and plan successfully for their future business and personal transitions.

When owners think about leaving their business they need to create two distinct plans – a Personal Transition Plan for what they want to do in their life after business ownership so they can remain happy and healthy; and a Business Transition Plan to help them sell and exit their business in the most personally and financially satisfying way.

Advisor Options To Help Your Clients

To use our systems to benefit both you and your clients, you can train to be a:

Transition Advisor

Business Transition Planning Consultant

Transition Planning Consultant

Business Succession Done Right​

A successful outcome all round!

An accountant was having trouble convincing one of his 65-year-old clients that he needed to start planning his business succession. Although he didn’t admit it, he was reluctant to let go of the business because of his uncertainty about how he’d fill in his time after he left. It wasn’t until the accountant referred his client to a Transition Planning Consultant (TPC) that things changed for the better, for everyone involved.

The client undertook both Transition Planning Australia’s (TPA) LIVE with Purpose Program with the TPC.

By doing the LIVE with Purpose Program, his Future Life became clear and an exciting prospect. He left feeling ready to transition his business and move on.

He was then committed to the business succession process, and, with the accountant’s assistance, was able to sell the business successfully.

The accountant’s fees for advising his client on the business succession process were $48,000 over and above usual compliance fees.

Because of the accountant’s foresight in referring his client to the TPA Programs, the roadblocks were removed and this client was able to sell and exit his business in the most personally and financially satisfying way and move onto creating a fulfilling life in retirement. A time of life he’d previously feared would be a slippery slope to boredom.

Talk To Us Today

To have your questions answered, please complete the form so one of our helpful consultants can help you.